Thursday, April 4, 2013

Simple Machines

One of my favorite topics to teach is "Simple Machines."  I always start the unit by having one of the smaller children try to lift a chair above his or her head.  It is quite difficult and many cannot do it.  Then I tie to the chair to a rope and insert the rope into a pulley that I have securely installed on one of the ceiling beams.  I allow each child to take a turn pulling the chair to the ceiling. Notice in the photos that I do not allow anyone to stand under the chair.  I have them all sit safely at the tables while doing this lesson. They love it.  They even talk about when they are older.  One student mentioned the activity in her high school graduation speech.  She remembered doing it when she was six years old.

This activity introduces the concept: Machines make work easier.  Each subsequent lesson on simple machines reinforces this major concept.

At this time, I introduce the six types of simple machines:  pulley, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, wedge and screw.  We have a great set of simple machine models such as the gear train pictured below.  I put an emphasis on providing many materials featuring the six simple machines for the children to explore.  Two are pictured below.

These students are exploring inclined planes by building a marble run.

These students are exploring inclined planes.

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