Monday, September 3, 2012

Active Listening

To understand the concept of "Active Listening," we read the book, "Night Noises" by Mem Fox.  Active Listening is one of our Lifelong Guidelines developed by Kovalik and Associates.  The use of Active Listening promotes positive behavioral expectations in the classroom environment.

Active Listening means to listen with your eyes, your ears, and especially your heart.  In her book, "Night Noises," Mem Fox uses many words to evoke sounds.  The book has a wonderful message about a great-grandmother who has lived a wonderful life and is surrounded by her huge family and her many friends.  She may be nearly 90, but she still feels young inside.

After listening with our hearts to the story, we listened for various musical sounds on a CD.  The children had to identify the instruments being played. We also played "Listening Lotto" in which the children had to listen for outside sounds to place markers on their boards.

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