Saturday, January 19, 2013

Snowmen Bottle Lights

Snowmen Bottle Lights

We did this nice little project in January 2012.  I enjoy working with the children on projects.  I think it helps them see that you can use multiple steps to an end. This is true in many areas of the curriculum from writing, to science, to art as well as many more. It is a great life lesson.

We made snowmen by reusing plastic bottles.  I cut a hole in the bottom of each bottle.  The children used a mixture of glue and water to cover their bottle with torn strips of white tissue paper. On the lid, they glued black tissue paper for a hat.  After drying, they attached a ribbon for a scarf, an orange felt nose, and black tissue paper eyes and buttons. Next, they glued on white and blue snowflakes for a little "bling."  Each child inserted a flameless tea light in the bottom.  They enjoyed this project and learned to do things in steps.  I found this project on Pinterest on several sites including:  The parents helped by bringing in bottles.  Many of the children enjoyed using a pomegranate juice bottle while others were attracted to various types of bottles.  They were so pleased with the outcome of their little project.

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